General Info
Our first Cuckoo Maran Hen laid eggs faithfully for her first 6 months of life (minus 2 random days) and then started slow down to 5 days a week. These birds are a very good size and make for good Dual Purpose breeds to keep around. Hen’s often weigh in at 6 Lbs and Roo’s between 7-8 Lbs.
Marans are historically a dual-purpose bird, prized not only for their dark eggs but for their table qualities as well. Cuckoo Marans are uniquely bred for the production of extremely dark brown eggs; no breed produces eggs that are darker.
The Cuckoo Maran breed originated in France in the mid-19th century. The name comes from the town of Marans in southwest France.
Cuckoo Marans have feathers with irregular dark and light slate bars, similar to Barred Plymouth Rocks but with less distinct bars.
Cuckoo Marans are known for their dark brown eggs, which are consistently darker than many other breeds. They lay around 180–200 eggs per year. Laying may stop around year 6-7.
Cuckoo Marans are generally docile, quiet, and friendly, and they enjoy human interaction. They are also active and do well free ranging.
Cuckoo Marans are cold hardy and can thrive in a variety of climates. They are tough and disease-resistant. They should live to around 8-9 years.
Explore all of the breeds we offer on the Chicken Breed Index page or the Mugshot page we call the Chicken Breed Gallery.