Hemp Bedding Back in Stock Soon!

Feb 2022 – Hemp Supply Issues Resolved!
Imagine only cleaning your Chicken Coop once every year or longer! Hemp can absorb up to 400% of its volume.
Respiratory health for all your animals is a bonus with this product that is pretty much completely dust free.
Small Pets
Any animal which requires soft, comfortable and ridiculously absorbent bedding will benefit.
Biodegradable and Compostable in short amounts of time.
There is a short video (2-1/2 minute) and long video (50 minutes), which show and describe how the deep litter system works in a chicken coop.
Do not be scared off by ridiculous internet prices on this material. We are committed to having this product at the best price we can offer for 30 Lb bags.
Short Video Below
Long Video Below
🐔 Chicken Litter – Not Bedding, Chickens Roost, they do not make Beds!
Clean your Coop Next Year! NOT Next Week!
For the health of you and your flock there are certain things to avoid when choosing Litter material.
Exotic sawdust is a terrible choice because of bacteria, moulds and the time it takes to break down.
Hardwoods have a long compost time.
Fine sawdust can cause respiratory infections which lead to coughing, wheezing and spitting.
Cedar sawdust is very dangerous to humans, ask Sawyers about cedar dust and you will hear stories about lung infections.
Chickens who develop respiratory infections can recover, but they can carry and spread disease to the whole flock. Antibiotics can cure some signs of sickness but infected Chickens may be carrier’s for their entire lives.
Straw not at all absorbant, is susceptible to mould and the hollow portion is a great place for mites and bad bugs to live. It also takes a long time to compost down.
Also bad, hay is for horses. It is a feed which is damp and can harbor mould and bacteria.
Shavings are way better than sawdust as long as it is from acceptable woods which have preferably been kiln dried. This helps ensure that bad things are dead in the wood. Shavings from raw wood can also harbor bacteria and very easily mould.
Shavings need be free of sawdust and get removed from the coop on a regular basis.
The big problem with composting your coop cleanings if using wood products is the amount of time required to break down. The other key is enough greens to the mix to make a proper compost. Wood is Carbon, Nitrogen comes from Foods and Green Material.
Browns (carbon) to Green (nitrogen) for composting should be about 4:1 and need to be tossed every few weeks over the course of many months. (possibly a year)
A properly functioning Compost Pile requires Carbon, Nitrogen, Moisture, Air, Microbes & Time.
Deep Hemp Litter will compost in place and delivers healthy bacteria to the coop through healthy Nematodes which devour bad bugs & pathogens.
The Hemp is to be used as litter only. Continue to use straw or other material for the nesting boxes to keep your chickens from getting confused.
This mimics the forest floor which is the healthiest material for an animals home.
My 2 cents, from research, experience & Logic!