Holz Hausen Woodpile

1 Cord – 1 Hour Stack!

First time doing a Holz Hausen!

It’s rough, just had to get it done because the trailer had to be empty for tomorrow.

These are really meant for drying and curing but it looks neater in front of her house and was easier than transporting to the woodshed.

One tarp over the top should keep it in good shape.

Could not remember if the bark was supposed to be up or down?

It should have been bark up to aid in shedding water I’m sure but whatever. This pile will have a tarp over it regardless.

Old pallet and some old 4×4’s on the bottom for breathing room.

The next cord will be easier if it gets added soon.

No more bending over for ring building.

The other good thing to do would be to put a gravel pad down under it. If we like this pile here, we may end up doing a gravel pad in the future to make it level and to aid in keeping the bottom appropriately dry.

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