How do I ensure a proper Brooder Temperature?
The chicks should be running around eating, drinking and making noise.
If they are all huddled up right under the light, it’s not warm enough for them.
If they are all at the edges of their designated area, it’s too hot and they are trying to escape.
While a heat lamp is good its not the whole story. The area around whatever style of brooder you have setup should be room temperature. (20-22 C or 68-72 F)
We recommend a thermometer that records Hi & Low measurements which were reached. These units can be reset and will tell the whole story. We normally have them in stock at the store.

Below is a sample of our Checklist Timeline Tracker for keeping Chicks, this is available at the store.
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Below temps should be taken on the floor of your brooder or as close to it as possible.