How many Eggs can I expect?
General Answer
The best Laying Hens may lay between 80-300 eggs per year.
There are many factors which will determine the actual egg count you get in your nesting boxes.
Chickens need to go to roost with a full stomach to produce eggs. Their instinctive ability to forage intelligently makes free feeding the best option if pests are not a problem.
The type of food, environment and health of your flock are all factors in egg production.
Go with the stats listed for the type of Hens you wish to keep and don’t think you will get what is listed for any particular breed. Just do it and learn about how to keep the birds healthy and happy.
Specific Breeds
While they may not be the easiest to deal with, Leghorns are great layers which tend to be used in high production environments.
Rhode Island Red
Heritage birds that are classically a Dual Purpose Breed.
Good looking birds that are great layers and they tend to be very well natured.
Plymouth Barred Rock
The Plymouth Rock breed is a large bird.
Very popular dual-purpose bird which is easy to care for and gentle to work with.
These birds should lay an average of 4 eggs per week which equates to around 200 per year.
Chicken Name
The xxx breed is a xxx bird.