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What is needed to start my own Hive?

Where To Start

The first thing you need to do is find some people who have hives and talk to them, do some good research or read a good book on the subject to ensure you really want to do this. The starter kits come with a book that lays out a lot of good information.

I suggest that finding someone with hives and getting some hands on experience would be the best thing to do.

Secondly, it would be good to be sure you are not allergic to bee stings because you will inevitably get bit.

1. You need to get your Hive Location established.

2. Determine security for the area. (fence, electric fence)

3. Get some bricks for a foundation.

4. Get a Beehive Starter Kit. The Red Barn Farm Store keeps these in stock and it has everything you need for an intial setup.

5. Buy a Queen/Workers.

Check out “What is a …” ? for descriptions of all the parts, I think it’s a pretty comprehensive list of everything I can think of with a short description for each item.

This list is a work in progress and will get updated as I can.