Sow each 5 grams to approximately 30 Sq Ft
Blends contain all of the following, results will vary depending on soil and location conditions.
Flower Seed Sowing Instruction
Baby Blue-Eyes | Nemophila menziesii |
Baby’s Breath | Gypsophila elegans |
Candytuft | Iberis umbellata |
Chinese Forget-Me-Nots | Cynoglossum amabile |
Clarkia | Clarkia unguiculata |
Columbine, dwarf | Aquilegia vulgaris |
Columbine, giant | Aquilegia caerulea |
Corn Poppy | Papaver rhoeas |
Johnny Jump-Up | Viola tricolor |
Lance Leaf Coreopsis | Coreopsis lanceolata |
Purple Coneflower | Echinacea purpurea |
Rocket Larkspur | Delphinium Consolida |
Shasta Daisy | Chrysanthemum maximum |
Spurred Snapdragon ‘Northern Lights’ | Linaria maroccana |
Sweet William Pinks | Dianthus barbatus |
Tussock Bellflower | Campanula carpatica |