John Deere (Ames) Antique Vegetable Cutter Find

After digging out from a once in 20 year snow storm it was decided that we should take a break and go to the Ainsworth Hot Spring for a relaxation day.

We loaded up the car and drove over the mountain pass towards the Ainsworth Hot Spring and decided to stop for breakfast in Nelson because we were way ahead of schedule.

After breakfast while walking around town checking out shops I stumbled across this old John Deere Vegetable Cutter which looked like it would make a nice addition to our Decor in the Red Barn. (even though the barn is not yet built we have a vision for what we want it to be setup like)

I knew I wanted this shortly after seeing it, too bad the John Deere wording is not in a bit better shape. It is still a cool piece of equipment and I never saw one before.

A bit of research turned up a photo of one for sale down in Utah for a pretty hefty price. I could not find a second one anywhere I looked.

Because the wording said “John Deere Plow Company, Portland Oregon” it was a simple enough to find out some info on that name. John Deere built an office in Portland with that name on it in 1911 as per Wikipedia.  This leads me to believe that the Vegetable Cutter is likely no older than the early 1900’s.

It is not uncommon for John Deere to brand their name onto ptoducts built by others such as Wallenstein or Brinley. John Deere uses Kawasaki and Yanmar for many  of their engines. It is way easier and more economically feasible than tooling up for a product.

Long story short it ended up getting stuffed into the back of my car.

More info and some good video is available on our YouTube video post for this item. 


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