This Coop has been designed to ensure all the bases are covered for many of the things which deter people thinking backyard chickens are a reality for them. Thought has been put into the ability to have a deep litter method which means you may only have to clean out the coop on an annual basis.
A proper run area can be obtained by preparing the area correctly and ensuring there is good drainage and no standing water which can lead to sickness and dirty high maintenance birds.
Ventilation is key whether it is summer or winter, summer needs require that heat can easily escape through the ceiling of the coop and winter requires ceiling ventilation to ensure humidity stays down. A humid coop in winter can lead to chilled birds which can lead to sick birds and greater possibility of frostbite on extremities.
Elevation of the litter area in relation to the nesting boxes, the roosting bars, window openings and ventilation area have all been taken into consideration with this design. It has been laid out for a Healthy Flock to thrive in comfort and become easily acclimatized to all seasons.
The design of the nesting boxes will ensure a comfortable Zen-like area where the hens will feel calm and confident that predators will not be a concern. If you had to push an egg out almost every day, we are sure you would want a nice warm cozy area to do it without fear of external threats as well. The side opening door for egg collection is preferable because chickens are naturally scared of overhead threats. Opening the side access egg collection door while a chicken is in the nesting box will normally not make them nervous. The position of the nesting box has been designed to keep excess litter from being able to get into the nest area.
The entire bottom of the coop is designed to be a big tub which can support enough bales of hemp to allow for only annual cleaning. As long as your coop size is appropriate for the number of birds which reside in it there is a possibility of going for 2 years before completely cleaning it out and starting over with a fresh litter material.
All windows lift upwards to create awnings over the openings which will shield the interior of the coop from most of the rain and snow while any window is in the open position. ½” galvanized hardware cloth is securely attached behind all window openings to keep predators from being able to enter the inside of the coop. The only access area is via the chicken ladder on the inside of the run area.