RBF Business & Growing Methodology


“A set or system of methods, principles, and rules for regulating a given discipline.”



Would it be nice to grow and sell 100,000 or 200,000 trees in 30 cent pots within a short span of time? Of course it would, after all, money is nice to have!

But we are taking a different approach here, the equipment we are using is not cheap and the care and development of this project is taking its fair share of time.

We are not getting up on a high horse and saying we will not use fertilizers in our business, we are saying that we will be methodical and think about the steps we take instead of being distracted purely by dollar signs.

Read below if you wish to find out what we are about and how we are approaching our business.


Brick and Mortar Store

Every product we have available will be tied to a webpage on this site that will hopefully be informative and educational.

All products will have a “QR Code” that can be scanned using your phone, pad or tablet. You will be guided directly to the page and there will be a comment section available for information, reviews or general knowledge sharing.

Our hope is that comments and interaction will be taking place on those pages which will benefit all who take the time to look at them.

The Red Barn (after it gets built) should be a great place to get out of the sun and have a coffee or a cool beverage. We are aiming to create a comfortable atmosphere.

The trees which we will have on display for sale should have parents right on the grounds somewhere. Another goal is to create a photo album for each of our trees with photos taken that will showcase them throughout the year. Not just one great photo that shows you the best tree of the breed, a realistic view of what that particular tree should look like any month of the year.


Seed Collection

The seeds we have are all hand picked and sorted by somebody, we are striving to stay heirloom, non-gmo and as organic as possible. We will not knowingly purchase or stock items which do not meet that criteria.



Here is a tough one, i’m not trying to say others are doing it wrong. I am saying that the germination trays we utilize are not cheap, they are high tech and designed for maximum growth and the health of the baby plants.

This is an important step in the life of the plant, if the small plant becomes rootbound and gets stuffed into a plastic pot which will aid it in becoming more rootbound, then you have a trend which is hard to break.


First Year Growth

We do not want to sell any plants which are destined to be lackluster or even worse sell a tree which will die in your yard 10 years after you plant it because the roots are trapped and choking the life out of it.

We are striving to get trees to people which will be a majestic part of your yard and grow as quick and healthy as Mother Nature will allow under optimum conditions.

Our plan is to use some technology instead of absolutely loading things down with fertilizers and growth hormones. Let me tell you, the technology is out there and we will be utilizing it along with management of proper transplanting times and the proper environment.