Small Plot Processing

Local Feeds

It is not realistic to think most Hobby Farm and homesteaders can supply 100% of what they need to feed their animals from their back yard. Almost everyone can defer some of their feed costs through varied management practices.

When you do have to buy feeds it’s nice to have trust in the people you are buying it from. Goat Mountain Custom Milling and Red Barn Farm strive to deliver their products at the best possible cost while focusing on the quality of the products we offer.

Local Grains wherever possible

Close Scrutiny of Ingredients

Responsible Manufacturing Practices

read about the feed program right here

Silage Bagger

A tool which can pack and fill silage bags quickly and efficiently. This is another tool out of reach for many users due to the cost and fact that even if you have the means to buy one outright, it may be hard to justify the purchase. Goat Mountain Custom Milling is looking at acquiring one of these tools which can be made available to customers for small crop processing.


One of the units pictured below have been secured and will be available for Threshing of your own small scale crops.

Mike from Goat Mountain Custom Milling is working on refurbishment of one of these pieces of equipment right now and it will be tested out as soon as possible.

Organic Feed costs are going through the roof and small scale producers are being pushed put of the market. Because of this, many people may only be able to acquire feeds at the behest of corporate players.

Feed prices are making it hard to justify keeping some animals, but considering questionable practices which keep getting revealed on the news………

We truly need to secure as much of our own food sources as we can!

Growing your own Grains for animal feed can allow you to use unused land in your own yard to produce feeds for all of your Animals.

Depending on the crop, 100 Lbs of Organic Seed can yield you up to 5000 Lbs of grain per acre. If you were really good and had enough practice, you could possibly thresh 400 Lbs a day completely by hand.

Goat Mountain Custom Milling can supply Organic Supplements and Hammer/Roll and Blend Feeds to your specifications. Guidance for creation your own blend can be given based on experience and existing proven recipes.

Purchasing this equipment is not realistic for most small scale people who may only use it one day a year.

Rental use of this tool makes growing a small plot of Grain a reality for the Hobby Farmer and Homesteader. The equipment can process 1 Ton of finished product in an hour or two depending on the crop.

The truth is that 1,000 square feet could yield a bushel of wheat (60 pounds of grain), enough to bake 90 loaves of bread. Even devoting a row in your vegetable garden to a grain will yield enough to make it worthwhile.

Scythe, Sickle & Flail

Red Barn Farm is trying to secure some grain plot hand tools which have been used throughout history for small plot processing.

Canada Plant Health Information

As fas as the CFIA goes, here is an interesting link regarding Plant Health.

You can copy and paste this link if you want to view the info, we are not linking directly to any govt web pages.

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