Wheat Importance

Our supply of world wheat affects the lives of almost everyone on the planet.

Wars are waged and political games are played around wheat. Maybe not as much as oil but it’s not far behind.

Oil and Gas was climbing ridiculously prior to this current Russia/Ukraine issue, but grain shortages (in my opinion) will cause the biggest unrest in world politics very soon.

It amazes me how many people feel they have a gluten intolerance. I do not deny that there is something to it, but I wonder how much has to do with the quality of our Grains and the amounts of yeast used today as opposed to old methods of daily fresh bread making. At one time, all bread was made with wheat and water. Many cultures still do this regularly.

Wonder Bread was the big one that steered us down the wrong path. Rarely would you ever see mold on wonder bread, this should have been a hint that there was something unnatural about it.

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